Tachographs are modern devices that allow to control not only over the high-speed mode of the car, but also the route, time of work and rest of the driver. More advanced "remember" models also attempted breaking and entering in the control system.
Among the most popular types of analog and digital modules for decoding tahokart, analyzing data from tachographs and drivers' chip cards can distinguish different versions of the Tachospeed program. The range of possibilities is so vast that you can pick up a product, like a small set of functions, and the professional version.
For example, the analog module TACHOSPEED MINI + 2 A contains a basic set of features that includes:
- Simplex scanning up to 12 cards per minute;
- Automatic reading of the working time of the driver and mileage with tahokarty;
- Archiving and viewing data tahokart drivers and smart cards;
- Counting the real fuel consumption based on the complete filling of the fuel tank;
- Reminders about important events;
- And other features that allow the operator to exercise full control over the actions of a small number of vehicles.
More extensive possibilities of providing software for tachographs TACHOSPEED PRO + 1 A + D + control module. It allows you to control from a single location from 50 to 100 and machines, to create reports on violations of work and rest with an optional module. The program is compatible with all readers.
Yet it should be noted software for tachograph AC931553 T-Store Standard for the minimum needs of the consumer or AC931411 T-Store Workshop, which is intended to solve more complex problems. Both products, though differing greatly in scope and complexity require no special operator training, available in multiple languages and have user-friendly interface.