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Gazelle tachograph

A tachograph helps drivers and businesses to monitor movement, rest or violation of the car. This is a device that independently monitors and records all the actions of the vehicle and helps to monitor the necessary parameters of the car. The tachograph has been a faithful and reliable assistant for many consumers for many years in a row. Due to the widespread distribution of Gazelles, the question of whether it is necessary to install a tachograph on a Gazelle is asked quite often.

If the Gazelle car transports people or dangerous goods, the connection of the tachograph is mandatory, and its absence can lead to a large fine. Therefore, drivers of minibuses, taxis or transport companies should seriously consider installing a tachograph. If you don't have a tachograph installed yet, we, the Svitaho company, which specializes in this type of work, will help you fix it.

You can find the price of a Gazelle tachograph in our online store, as well as familiarize yourself with the available models.

According to the law of Ukraine, mandatory technical control of vehicles must be:

  • cars with up to 8 seats once every 2 years, for taxis every 6 months
  • buses with more than 8 seats with a total weight of up to 5 tons - every 6 months
  • buses with more than 8 seats and the maximum weight of which exceeds 5 tons - every 6 months
  • trucks with a gross weight of up to 3.5 tons - once every 2 years
  • trucks and tractors with a gross weight from 3.5 to 12 tons - 1 time per year
  • trucks and tractors with a gross weight of more than 12 tons - once a year
  • trailers and semi-trailers with a gross weight of up to 0.75 t, as well as trailers and semi-trailers with a gross weight of up to 3.5 t - once every 2 years
  • trailers and semi-trailers with a gross weight from 3.5 to 10 tons, and trailers and semi-trailers with a gross weight over 10 tons - once a year

Dangerous goods:

  • trucks with a gross weight of up to 3.5 tons - every 6 months
  • trucks and tractors with a gross weight from 3.5 to 12 tons - every 6 months
  • trucks and tractors with a gross weight of more than 12 tons - every 6 months
  • trailers and semi-trailers with a gross weight over 10 tons - every 6 months

After installing the tachograph, it is necessary to carry out a regular technical inspection, during which specialists will perform a complete diagnosis of the device. You can get a technical inspection, calibration, read a chip card and other services at Svitaho. Sets of digital tachographs for gazelles in our online store. Submit your application for consultation with our manager.

Our branches are open in 16 cities of Ukraine, and the main office is located at the address - st. Solov'ina, 5A, Ilpin, Rivne region.